A bioterrorism attack is the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, or other germs (agents) used to cause illness or death in people, animals, or plants. These agents are typically found in nature, but it is possible that they could be changed to increase their ability to cause disease, make them resistant to current medicines, or to increase their ability to be spread into the environment. Biological agents can be spread through the air, water, or food.
A chemical emergency involves the release of a chemical that could harm people’s health.
A pandemic is a global disease outbreak. An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza (flu) A virus emerges for which there is little or no immunity in the human population and spreads easily from person-to-person. A pandemic is determined by spread of disease, not necessarily severity of disease.
Radiation is a form of energy that is naturally present all around us. The amount of radiation from natural or man-made sources to which people are exposed is usually small, however a radiation emergency (such as a nuclear power plant accident or a terrorist event) could expose people to small or large doses of radiation, depending on the severity of the incident.
Benzie Office
6051 Frankfort Hwy, Ste 100
Benzonia, MI 49616
Office Hours
8am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm
Phone: (231) 882-4409(231) 882-4409
Fax: (231) 882-2204
Leelanau County
Health Services
7401 E Duck Lake Rd., Ste 100
Lake Leelanau, MI 49653
Office Hours
8am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm
(231) 256-0200(231) 256-0200
Fax: (231) 882-0143
Leelanau County
Environmental Services
8527 E. Government Center Dr. Suite LL-007
Suttons Bay, MI 49682
Office Hours
8am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm
(231) 256-0201(231) 256-0200
Fax: (231) 256-0225