Planning for Emergencies

Planning for Emergencies Involves These Three Steps

Step 1. Get a Kit

By gathering supplies for your all-hazards supply kit, you will be better prepared to provide for you and your loved ones in the event of a public health emergency. Take a moment to gather the recommended items listed.

March Emergency Preparedness Tip: Shelter Safety

When an emergency strikes, having a safe shelter is essential. This month, focus on ensuring your home is ready to keep you and your family safe. Check that your home has a reliable heating source, clear escape routes, and adequate emergency supplies like blankets and warm clothing. If you live in a flood-prone area, know your evacuation routes and consider flood-proofing measures.

For more tips on shelter preparedness, visit!

April Emergency Preparedness Tip: Food Safety in Emergencies

Do you have enough food to sustain your household in an emergency? This month, focus on building a two-week emergency food supply with non-perishable items your family will actually eat. Store food in a cool, dry place and check expiration dates regularly. Don't forget a manual can opener and a plan for safe food preparation if the power goes out!

Visit for more simple steps to be prepared!

Step 2. Be Informed

Being informed means staying up-to-date on the most current information available, such as how to shelter-in-place, infor­mation for those with special needs, and preparedness information for each type of hazard.

Step 3. Make a Plan

You and your loved ones may not be together when an emergency strikes, so take the time now to plan how you will contact one another.

Benzie Office

6051 Frankfort Hwy, Ste 100
Benzonia, MI   49616

Office Hours
8am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm

Phone: (231) 882-4409(231) 882-4409
Fax: (231) 882-2204

Leelanau County
Health Services

7401 E Duck Lake Rd., Ste 100
Lake Leelanau, MI 49653

Office Hours
8am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm

Phone: (231) 256-0200(231) 256-0200
Fax: (231) 882-0143

Leelanau County
Environmental Services

8527 E. Government Center Dr. Suite LL-007
Suttons Bay, MI 49682

Office Hours
8am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm

Phone: (231) 256-0201(231) 256-0200
Fax: (231) 256-0225

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Rachel Pomeroy, Public Information Officer
Phone: 231-882-6085


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