Developmental Screenings


Developmental Screenings

We offer developmental screenings for children ages 0-6 such as:

  • Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) ~ a screening tool that provides a quick look at how children are doing in important areas such as communication, motor skills, social skills, and problem-solving skills.
  • Devereaux Early Childhood Assessment (DECA) ~ a screening tool that assesses the strengths children have related to their social-emotional health and resilience.

Developmental screenings are one of the tools we can use to understand a child’s development and share ideas for activities families can do at home with their children to support their development in all areas. Screenings can be done routinely or by request. If you are curious about your child’s development and wish to do a screening with us, please reach out by phone: (231) 256-0227 or email:

Benzie Office

6051 Frankfort Hwy, Ste 100
Benzonia, MI   49616

Office Hours
8am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm

Phone: (231) 882-4409(231) 882-4409
Fax: (231) 882-2204

Leelanau County
Health Services

7401 E Duck Lake Rd., Ste 100
Lake Leelanau, MI 49653

Office Hours
8am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm

Phone: (231) 256-0200(231) 256-0200
Fax: (231) 882-0143

Leelanau County
Environmental Services

8527 E. Government Center Dr. Suite LL-007
Suttons Bay, MI 49682

Office Hours
8am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm

Phone: (231) 256-0201(231) 256-0200
Fax: (231) 256-0225

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For Media Contacts

Please direct all media inquiries to:
Rachel Pomeroy, Public Information Officer
Phone: 231-882-6085


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