Environmental Health Digital Records Portal

Environmental Health Digital Records Portal Instructions


Benzie County

To Find the Parcel ID Number:

Benzie County Tax Parcel ViewerParcel Search - Mapping

Instructions: click here 

Leelanau County

To Find the Parcel ID Number:

You can use the following information to access the records you need. You will need the parcel ID to locate the public portal's property information. If you need to find the parcel id number, go to Leelanau County Tax Parcel Viewer– type in the street address number only, Click on Search, and it will bring up a list, find your address on the list. The Parcel ID Number for the property will be shown in green to the left of the Owner Name. If more information about the property is desired, Click on the Parcel ID Number.


Portal Instructions

Find the Township of the property you are searching for and start looking for your parcel id# by following the set of numbers: 10-xx-xxx or 45-xxx-xxx, and then click the next set 10-xx-xxx-xxx or 45-xxx-xxx-xxx. Then click on the final set of numbers 10-xx-xxx-xxx-xx or 45-xxx-xxx-xxx-xx, then Click on the desired record.

You also can browse/search for the documents you are looking for by typing in the Township, Permit number, or address in the search bar at the top of the screen. If no records are available, there are no records on file for that property, or it was split from another property and the information could be in the original parent parcel file.

We do not have any information regarding municipal/community wastewater systems as they are regulated by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). Do not hesitate to contact the offices (Benzie at 231-882-2103 or Leelanau at 231-256-0201) with any questions.


Benzie Office

6051 Frankfort Hwy, Ste 100
Benzonia, MI   49616

Office Hours
8am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm

Phone: (231) 882-4409(231) 882-4409
Fax: (231) 882-2204

Leelanau County
Health Services

7401 E Duck Lake Rd., Ste 100
Lake Leelanau, MI 49653

Office Hours
8am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm

Phone: (231) 256-0200(231) 256-0200
Fax: (231) 882-0143

Leelanau County
Environmental Services

8527 E. Government Center Dr. Suite LL-007
Suttons Bay, MI 49682

Office Hours
8am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm

Phone: (231) 256-0201(231) 256-0200
Fax: (231) 256-0225

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For Media Contacts

Please direct all media inquiries to:
Rachel Pomeroy, Public Information Officer
Phone: 231-882-6085


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